Skin type : Sensitive, tight feeling skin, scaly, for cleavage feet, rosacea

Effect : Evening Primrose oil, Grape seed oil, Marjoram oil

Organic ingredient : Antioxidant, regenerating, nourishing, supplying vitamins, oil supplement
Unfortunately, chemical pollution and the lack of physical exercise common these days increase the formation of free radicals. The active ingredients of the oil are the best antioxidants and scavengers of free radicals both separately and together. This wonderful oil nourishes the skin, beautifies nails if massaged into nail beds, regenerates fragile hair ends and may be used for enriching moisturizers and creams. It is suitable for treating striae, cellulite or wrinkles. It helps to maintain a youthful look, enhances the resistance of the skin and has anti-wrinkle and nourishing effects.
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